
3 mortal sins of recruiter

All directors want to hunt the most strong employs. But unfortunately this bosses do\ not do things what make search difficult.

At this article, we cover the topic of actions that interfere with the selection process and how they affect the perception of candidates. And of course we will write what to do with this information in practice)

1. Feedback.
Any collaborative process gets better when the other party provides feedback. And the most useful and relevant feedback - which is given immediately, in hot pursuit.
What about it could be:
Getting "summary" into a request is not just an "ok" or rejection, but a short comment.

For some managers, turnover in previous positions is almost unimportant; someone focuses primarily on the desired salary in the resume. And there are some managers who trust personal experience - for example, they personally know the company in which the employee worked.

In general, feedback helps to understand the cause-and-effect relationships in the customer's head. At the end you can move without this stage, on the basis of a monosyllabic "+" "-" feedback. It's more like moving through a maze with your eyes closed - and it slows you down. The problem is that customers do not want to waste time on feedback, saving their time.

At the same time, in fact, more time is spent on selecting all resumes - because without corrections and explanations, the recruiter sends all available resumes.
This rule also applies to post-interview feedback, such as voicing doubts about candidates.

A negative example: the manager's comment after the interview - let's look again, without specifying what exactly was lacking in experience or personal qualities.
Our experience says that almost all vacancies where the manager actively shares feedback with HR were eventually closed.

How it is solved: creating an agreement with the manager to discuss candidates after the meeting and a detailed comment on the refusals. We even held resume review meetings online - because it is easier for many managers to give feedback.
Based on the results of such meetings, it is important to make summery, which the manager approves, and then it gets into the application for selection.

2. Response speed.
As usual HR is waiting answers for the following requests:

a) Resumes ( look some resumes);
b) Feedback and comments after meeting with HR;
c) search for a slot for the time of a second meeting with the customer;
d) response following the meeting of the candidate with the manager;
e) final conditions for the offer.

It’s look like Hr and manager play ping-pong - and if one of the partners slows down, the game does not work.
Most often, the ball hangs on the side of the manager - it is already difficult for him to combine his tasks and the search for an employee.
Good practice in this case is the answer day to day, then the rhythm and speed of selection are optimal for quickly closing the vacancy.
How it is solved: to agree with the manager that a certain slot every day (or several times a week) is booked in advance for recruiting. It can be both interviews and analysis of resumes or discussion of candidates.

As a rule, this allows you to greatly speed up the time matching process and find slots in a quickly clogged schedule.

3.Dialogue on an equal footing.
An interview is a dialogue on an equal footing, where there are no sides above or below. A worthy candidate has several offers on the way, from which he can choose, and the company has several candidates in the final. These are hackneyed truths, but, unfortunately, not all leaders follow them.

What to do: Here is a small checklist of things a leader should do in a meeting.

- To read resumes in advance and prepare minimally for the meeting;
- to tern on camera if it is online
- to greet candidates, name their role in the company (!);
- to represent other executives present at the interview;
- to arrive on time for meetings and not cancel them at the last moment;
- to invite the candidate to ask questions;
- to clarify the motivation and image of the ideal new job;
- to give a clear or approximate response time.

There are also next level items - for managers who do not stop at average results.

- to smile and be kind. Even if the candidate does not see you, the smile is always felt in the voice. And this is one of the easiest ways to win over;
- to talk about the tasks / company or work processes in his unit;
- to talk about how the performance of an employee during the probationary period will be evaluated (with clear metrics and a breakdown by stages);
- to talk about your experience and skills, about what the candidate will get by working in his team. Or share expertise on solving a particular complex work task;
- to share search history, talk about the previous employee and his path in the company.
- to share the success stories of the company's employees - and what helped them achieve such results;
- to talk about the company's plans - where it is going, what strategies it chooses;
- to tell about your experience of interacting with employees / company in which the candidate worked;
- to make it clear to the candidate that he has excellent experience and suitable personal qualities.

Of course, HR itself can take on some of the functions, but we are still closer to the approach that we come to work for a specific person who hires a manager. And all books about sales say that in addition to selling the conditions themselves (salary level, bonuses and other material motivation), the identity of the "seller" is also important.
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